Driving Question: Are GMOs helpful or harmful?
Project: Create a model that represents genetic engineering and present it to the class.
Supplemental Questions:
1. How can GMOs be used to treat human diseases and disorders?
2. How can GMO animals be helpful for humans?
3. What is CRSPR and how can it be beneficial?
4. What benefits could cloning technology provide for humans?
5. Are GMO crops the most effective way to feed the global population?
Students will have the ability to create their own driving questions.
1. How can GMOs be used to treat human diseases and disorders?
2. How can GMO animals be helpful for humans?
3. What is CRSPR and how can it be beneficial?
4. What benefits could cloning technology provide for humans?
5. Are GMO crops the most effective way to feed the global population?
Students will have the ability to create their own driving questions.
Objectives: |
Standards: |
Students will be able to:
5. Students can use the full range of science and engineering practices to make sense of natural phenomena and solve problems that require understanding how individual organisms are configured and how these structures function to support life, growth, behavior and reproduction.
GLE 1: DNA codes for the complex hierarchical organization of systems that enable life's functions. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the structure of DNA determines the structure of proteins which carry out the essential functions of life through systems of specialized cells. GLE 2: Growth and division of cells in complex organisms occurs by mitosis, which differentiates specific cell types. Use a model to illustrate the role of cellular division (mitosis) and differentiation in producing and maintaining complex organisms |
* Watch each of the following videos. In your notebook, write down key definitions and new knowledge. 1. What is a GMO? video 2. Making transgenic animals and plants 3. Spider Goats Silk extraction 4. Engineering and growing corn 5. FDA article
1. Click and Clone with worksheet (to be completed on google classroom) 2. Golden Rice Article 1 summary (to be completed on google classroom) 3. Rice Article 2 summary (to be completed on google classroom) 4. GMO Concept Map 5. Should we grow GM crops? PBS discussion CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. Discovery Ed STEM Project 1 2. Discovery Ed STEM Project 2 |
1. Discovery Ed Project 2. Choice: Consider the prompts from the class discussion - Talk to Mr. Lemon to approve different ideas (to be completed on google classroom using the Project Organization Sheet) |
1. Self-evaluation 2. Peer-evaluation |